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Poll Discussion Poll: Income tax: how much do you have to pay in your country of residence? Ukraine 5% :-) Being registered as an individual sole proprietor
and having no hired labour, you have to pay 5%
from your gross income + an equivalent of approx.
$12-13/monthly as a mandatory social cont
Platon Danilov Sep 15, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which part of the computer is more important to you regarding your work as a translator? Rendered [quote]Katrin Bosse wrote: [quote]Teresa Borges
wrote: All of them and please do not forget my
good friend: the keyboard! [/quote] Seconded.
[/quote] I wonder, why didn't they
Platon Danilov Sep 11, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your eating pattern ever affected when you are working on a big and stressful project? Other It's more likely to happen to me in case of a
small rush project (not more than one day long)
rather than with a big project, when you can
manage your time properly. Sometimes I've
Platon Danilov Sep 9, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you translate on Friday nights? No I don't translate at nights at all. Platon Danilov Sep 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you reply to mass emails from outsourcers? Yes, sometimes = It depends :-) It depends if I know the sender. I know only one
PM who is on my list, who works like this and I
had 2 small assignments from him. No problem, it's
just the way they work with their databa
Platon Danilov Aug 19, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: August 13th is the International Left Handers Day. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Similar story [quote]DZiW wrote: As a first-former (actually
I was six and a zero-former) I could write, draw,
and manipulate better as a left-hander, but at
school I (as many others) was rightly re-
Platon Danilov Aug 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you call being a translator/interpreter exciting? it depends on the project [quote]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: I can get
excited about my material when it's interesting.
[/quote] It's particularly true for
transcreation and writing jobs.
Platon Danilov Jul 15, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you determined a certain day of the week on which you don't accept any work? No - as soon as jobs don't come to me one after
another as an endless flow. I am free until a new
job comes. I may decline a job because of a
deadline, rate, subject matter, or whatever
Platon Danilov Jul 15, 2016
Translation news Ask a translator Nothing is untranslatable [quote]LilianNekipelov wrote: There may be some
axiomatic expressions, or simple nouns that may be
99% translatable, like mother, father, flower,
tree, water. I don't know. It is worth so
Platon Danilov Jul 12, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you experienced any of these work-related ailments? None [quote]M. Anna Kańduła wrote: Where's the
answer for "None"? [/quote] I strongly believe
keeping fit is a MUST for professional
translators. You cannot be productive if it is not
Platon Danilov Jul 8, 2016
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: How to limit the risk of not getting paid Good, but... ...but what about direct clients? What's special
in risk management for dealing with them?
Platon Danilov Jul 4, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you give a discount on an overdue payment to ensure it is made? NO [quote]Sara Maghini wrote: If you were late
paying your rent, would your landlord/lady give
you a discount or rather send you an eviction
notice?! I am baffled by whoever came up with
Platon Danilov Jul 4, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you prefer to do in your free time? Same as Thayenga As for preferences, I like to attend myself to
biking, often with my friends, or do some
exercise, read a book, or whatever... well, the
list seem never be comprehensive anyway :-) And<
Platon Danilov Jun 22, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you like to be a literary translator? Indefinite no I am mostly marketing translator, dealing often
also with IT and technical and sometimes
ecological texts. Marketing translation and
transcreation (which I do as well) is, to my mind,
Platon Danilov Jun 3, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think your name influences clients in choosing your services? I guess no My name is rare both in Ukraine and in Russia, and
- I was surprised - even in Greece! This fact may
be thought of as an advantage for standing out
from the crowd. Unlike my surname, howev
Platon Danilov May 26, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these attributes do you mainly look for in a translation company? Exactly [quote]Wendy Streitparth wrote: The option I
would like is not available: combination of the
above. [/quote]
Platon Danilov May 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you vary your rates according to the client's country? No Exactly as Teresa said. I am more likely to
discount on a subject matter or a project I am
strongly interested in, or whatever reason, but
never on the customer's country of residence.
Platon Danilov May 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: On average, how long does it take you to translate 1000 words in your primary language combination? > 4 Of course, it depends on subject matter, but
usually I plan 250 words per hour + 1 hour for
proofreading of 1000 words (preferrably the next
day or at least some hours later). I don't take
Platon Danilov Apr 26, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work with desktop publishing software, such as Indesign? Other I don't offer DTP, but I have learned recently how
to use AutoCAD Mechanical. However, I have done it
not for translation purposes. Though, some day I
may need to include it in my service
Platon Danilov Apr 9, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is the most common combination of professions one may have in your country? hit and run [quote]Michael Harris wrote: These polls are
getting worse and worse. I thought that useful
issues for translators or similar would be posted
here, but over the recent past these polls
Platon Danilov Apr 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Does a degree in translation/interpretation make your search for good clients/prices easier? I'm not sure [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: I don't know, my
degree is in Economics! [/quote] Mine either.
Though I also have a certificate in translation,
it's not a degree, of course. But I feel
Platon Danilov Mar 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually receive more job offers when you are busy working on other projects? Sometimes But it's irrelevant, whether I am busy or not - as
a rule, projects come randomly.
Platon Danilov Jan 22, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you save a percentage of your translation income to support a charity organization? Other Sometimes I donate, but it's not a % and commonly
not to an organization, but an individual donation
to some person I trust.
Platon Danilov Jan 4, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever been deeply affected by a translation you worked on? Only once It was condolences to relatives of victims of MH17
air crush in Ukraine last year. Of course, I
refused to take any money and did it pro bono.
Platon Danilov Nov 28, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: What rate do you most often use with new clients? It depends It depends on the project rather than on the
client. And I also don't have a standard rate,
but a standard range instead.
Platon Danilov Nov 19, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you alter your rates depending on the client's country of residence? Yes Unfortunately, clients in Russia and Ukraine
cannot afford the same cost as those in EU or US.
That is why I generally don't look for local
Platon Danilov Aug 6, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you drafted a standard set of terms and conditions to use with your clients? No Instead, I pursue individual approach to each
client and each project. It's impossible to take
into account such things as your current workload,
project complexity, risks, then, how int
Platon Danilov May 16, 2015
Scams Confidentiality Agreement before a test Thank you Dear colleagues, Thank you all for your valuable
comments. After some doubts, I decided to try. But
I offered them a 20% surcharge because of their
payment terms.
Platon Danilov Mar 28, 2015
Scams Confidentiality Agreement before a test still haven't made my mind Thank you both. Perhaps, not a scam indeed, but
I still doubt and shall think twice.
Platon Danilov Mar 27, 2015
Scams Confidentiality Agreement before a test I made lots of test translations and signed NDAs,
but only after the test is confirmed to be
successful and never before that. Here are
some outlines from the mail: "In line with ou
Platon Danilov Mar 27, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever been asked to do back translation? Only as a part of transcreation As some other colleagues have noticed here,
word-to-word back translation is often a part of
transcreation process. As for me, I always
deliver word-to-word back translation together
Platon Danilov Mar 10, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever received a bonus from a client for a particularly good/fast/difficult translation? Once The client admired the quality I delivered,
adviced me to apply a rate three times higher than
my standard one and paid me accordingly. The
assignment however, was only one page and the
Platon Danilov Jan 24, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: When editing/proofreading, what kind of feedback do you generally provide to the client? I don't accept these jobs This is not a kind of job I'd like to do. And as
far as I know, it is not quite rewarding.
Platon Danilov Dec 14, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you behave when you have more than one job at a time? Other I have actually never faced with such situation,
but if it happens I'd either try to negotiate the
deadlines or share a job with my colleague.
Platon Danilov Dec 13, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, do you enjoy proofreading assignments? I don't offer proofreading Because: a) it is not what I'd like to do; b) in
a number of cases for me it is easier and faster
to translate myself than to ensure the version of
another translator is correct; c) in
Platon Danilov Oct 27, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is generally the least productive working day for you? the same as Tim Obviously it's the days when there is no work. Or
in terms of work performance, it's the first day
of work. Both cases are regardless of which day of
the week it is.
Platon Danilov Oct 21, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: For me, the best thing about being a freelancer is: The answer is obvious, isn't it? A combination of... And it seems there has been
a similar question already this year.
Platon Danilov Oct 16, 2014
Getting established Did you become a translator as a result of having done something else? Various fields I've been working as an export manager at steel
mill, then an engineer at construction of a steel
mill, a SEO manager, an international conference
manager, including those related to steel
Platon Danilov Sep 28, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you communicate with clients on the phone? Not as a rule I will definitely ring a client, especially new
one, if I feel like miscommunication. Sometimes
a client may call me in case of urgent job (it has
been only once).
Platon Danilov Sep 23, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever attended any translation-related conferences or events? Only powwow and virtual conferences I've attended one Prozian powwow and two virtual
conferences. Both types have communication value
rather than practical.
Platon Danilov Sep 18, 2014
Money matters Is $ 0.05 per source word a "fair amount" for translators? it means only rating [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: What does
"excellent" mean here? [/quote] It only means
"5" LWA rating of 22 entries, nothing
more. Sorry, but I cannot disclose their name
here bec
Platon Danilov Sep 15, 2014
Money matters Is $ 0.05 per source word a "fair amount" for translators? Not a bottom Actually, there is no bottom price in the
industry. I know local (Ukrainian) agency with
excellent reputation on BlueBoard here, offering
translators as low as $0.015 per word. And this is
Platon Danilov Sep 15, 2014
Russian Количество заказов за последние месяцы А [quote]Nadezhda & Vatslav Yehurnovy wrote: En
-> Ua и даже En -> Ru. Но это с
июля поперло выше
крыши. Пришлось даже
одного кл
Platon Danilov Sep 10, 2014
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Регистрация ФЛП для переводчиков в Украине: ваше мнение? Это не проблема. Смотря на каких клиентов Вы нацелены До того, как уйти во
фриланс, я уже был
зарегистрирован как ФЛП на
3 группе единого налога, это
Platon Danilov Sep 10, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: In how many currencies do you accept payment? 4 EUR, USD, RUR, UAH Platon Danilov Aug 22, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you ever receive job requests with very flexible deadlines? Only once Once a client told me there is no rush for my
translation. It was a real pleasure to work on
that assignment. And yes, it was a direct client.
Platon Danilov Aug 19, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever tried to make a translation without your CAT tool to check if it's better? Yes ... but not to check if it's better. It is no
sense of using a CAT tool to translate 1-2 page
pdf or jpg file. While for large projects I
certainly use it.
Platon Danilov Aug 10, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Does your workload affect your sleep? No No good sleep for me means no good work. Sleep is
very important precondition for concentration,
productivity and quality of work. Even while a
high work load I have at least 6 hours of ni
Platon Danilov Aug 10, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you delete all documents after delivering a project to your client? No Agree with Tim + you never know when and where it
can be claimed: for a recurring/new order from the
same customer, for another assignment (especially
if you haven't created a TM), or for
Platon Danilov Jul 31, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you describe yourself to clients? "freelance" vs. "independent" Hi, I've got used to present myself as a
"freelance translator", as a majority has voted
here, but now I'm considering "independent
translator" may sound better to client's
mind. W
Platon Danilov Jul 26, 2014

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