Powwow Report for Italy - Bologna (Dec 15 2001)

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Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 16 '01  Anusca Mantovani: Pow Wow in Bologna
Dear Colleagues,

I am writing you to inform you that the Pow Wow was not very crowded (actually it was only me and Nicola) but, despite from this, we had a very nice time.

We had our lunch in a small restaurant in the city and aftwerwards Nicola proposed me a sightseeing. The guided tour of Nicola was very interesting. We spent most of time in the church S. Domenico and I promise you that this church is worth a visit!
Besides this Nicola is a very good and cultured guide.
He is doing this as amateur, but at the same time he is very professional.

I asked him to be so kind and propose the pow wow in Bologna again, i.e. next spring.
I suggested him to publish his sightseeing program on the site and to organize it on Sunday.

I hope next time you will join

In this meantime I remain with best regards and I wish you Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Dec 16 '01  Nicola (Mr.) Nobili: Grazie ai simpaticoni
Carissimi, certuni di voi non si sono cancellati dalla lista, non hanno avvisato privatamente o pubblicamente per dire che non sarebbero venuti, e ci hanno fatto aspettare al freddo per luuuungo tempo. Non è carino da parte vostra, mi permetto di dire.
Comunque, peggio per voi: la giornata è stata bellissima, abbiamo fatto una straordinaria visita ad alcuni incantevoli luoghi poco visitati dai turisti, e voi avete perso un'ottima occasione.