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Comparing Verifika - Quality Assurance Tool for Translators and Redokun

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name Verifika - Quality Assurance Tool for Translators Redokun
Review breakdown
(1 review)
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Most helpful review
Powerful, effective error-checker that I would recommend
I’ve been using Verifika for about 4 years and have found it to be very useful. I do a lot of quarterly reports, so I use it primarily to check figures, but it has many other capabilities: punctuation, consistency-checking, etc. It can also be used to check terminology against your glossaries or specified terms. My CAT is Logiterm, which has no built-in QA, so Verifika is a very valuable adjunct. But it is also a lot more powerful and customizable than memoQ’s QA function. I haven’t used the QA feature in other CATs, so I can’t compare it with anything else.
5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

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Product description Verifika is a QA tool for professionals who need to deliver high accuracy translations within tight deadlines.

Redokun is a cloud-based translation tool that can be used to translate various types of documents while preserving their layout and design. It's a simple solution that's easy to use and integrate and will allow you to lower the time and translation costs while increasing translation consistency.

Our localization solution empowers teams of all sizes to translate their content and deliver them to the market with greater ease.

Redokun has a variety of helpful features that will allow you to:
* automate your translation workflow and get your whole team on board with minimal training;
* centralize your translation assets and reuse them in new projects so you never pay to translate the same thing twice (translation memories);
* leverage the latest machine translation technology to translate the smart way;
* collaborate with your preferred translation vendors or in-house teams with seamless sharing, importing, and exporting options;
* apply document changes to all translated files in seconds without any manual work (easy revision process)
* manage your team and projects (get immediate feedback on the status of your projects)

Price €90 (standard - 1PC) €135 (floating - many PCs) Starting at $125 USD a month
File formats SDL XLIFF, memoQ (.xlf, .mqxliff, .mqxlz), MS Word Docs, SDLX bilingual, RTF, TMX, TTX, TXT, Wordfast TXML, xlz InDesign, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SRT, XML
License type Available as perpetual or time limited Software as a service (subscription)
Operating system Windows Windows, MacOS
System requirements Minimum Processor:Single-core Intel or AMD processor, 1 GHz; RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP, 1.5 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7; HDD: 50 MB free space for installation Display: 1024 x 768 screen resolu Redokun is a cloud-based system that only requires access to the internet via a modern web browser. No desktop installation is needed.
No data
No data
Support and upgrades offered/included
No data
Free upgrades for duration of license/Subscription, Free technical support via support ticket center, Free 14 day trial
Support and tutorial links Quick Start:http://e-verifika.com/category/starter-guide/ User Guide:http://help.e-verifika.com/ https://redokun.com/help
Free trial
No data
14 days free trial.
Languages supported All languages supported. Interface available in English. English

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