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Bad reviewer messes up my translation
Thread poster: Alex Lago
Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Spanish
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Aug 28, 2010

I really am barking mad, I did a EN-ES translation the other day for a new client, it was a test to see if I could work with them, but I got paid for it so that was good and I really did what I thought was a good job and turned in what I thought was a good translation

Then I got the results of the review back.

So I have to start justifying my choices because this person has decided that the expression "en base a" does not exist in Spanish, or they've eliminated my trans
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I really am barking mad, I did a EN-ES translation the other day for a new client, it was a test to see if I could work with them, but I got paid for it so that was good and I really did what I thought was a good job and turned in what I thought was a good translation

Then I got the results of the review back.

So I have to start justifying my choices because this person has decided that the expression "en base a" does not exist in Spanish, or they've eliminated my translation of "and shall be effective upon receipt", which was "y tendrá efecto desde su recepción" for the choice of "y tendrá efecto en el momento de su recepción"

And many other examples like this

Anyway, I just had to vent some of my frustration.

Thanks for "listening".

[Edited at 2010-08-28 16:24 GMT]

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:43
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Tell them Aug 28, 2010

You've probably done this but, just in case you haven't: if you believe the reviewer has proposed "Verschlimmbesserungen", you should tell your hoped-for client and perhaps suggest that another reviewer should be tried.
("Verschlimmbesserungen" is an artificial German word which inserts "schlimm" (=bad) into "Verbesserungen" (improvements), i.e. supposed improvements that actually make it worse.)


Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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Can you give us the full sentence containing "en base a" Aug 28, 2010

Please. I would like to see myself what happened there.

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
German to Spanish
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Bad reviewer messes up my translation Aug 28, 2010

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

Please. I would like to see myself what happened there.

Agree, "en base a" o "sobre la base de"...?

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Spanish
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en base a Aug 28, 2010

The sentence I wrote was:

El precio se calculara en base a los precios de los meses anteriores.

The english was

The price will be calculated on the basis of the prices for the previous months.

The reviewers option was

El precio se calculara basado en los precios de los meses anteriores.

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Spanish
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I did ask for another reviewer don't have an answer yet Aug 28, 2010

Oliver Walter wrote:

You've probably done this but, just in case you haven't: if you believe the reviewer has proposed "Verschlimmbesserungen", you should tell your hoped-for client and perhaps suggest that another reviewer should be tried.
("Verschlimmbesserungen" is an artificial German word which inserts "schlimm" (=bad) into "Verbesserungen" (improvements), i.e. supposed improvements that actually make it worse.)


Narcis Lozano Drago
Narcis Lozano Drago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
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"En base a" is certainly not correct Aug 28, 2010

Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas "base"

Sí es censurable la locución de sentido equivalente Marca de incorrección.en base a, en la que las preposiciones en y a no están justificadas: Marca de incorrección.«La petición se hizo en base a investigaciones policiales españolas» (País [Esp.] 1.10.87). Podría tratarse de un calco del italiano in base a, única lengua de nuestro entorno en la que se documenta —desde finales del siglo xix— esta locución, ya que en
... See more
Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas "base"

Sí es censurable la locución de sentido equivalente Marca de incorrección.en base a, en la que las preposiciones en y a no están justificadas: Marca de incorrección.«La petición se hizo en base a investigaciones policiales españolas» (País [Esp.] 1.10.87). Podría tratarse de un calco del italiano in base a, única lengua de nuestro entorno en la que se documenta —desde finales del siglo xix— esta locución, ya que en inglés se dice on the basis of y en francés sur la base de..

Manual del español urgente, 7.5

Deben evitarse las locuciones prepositivas en base a y a nivel de,
que están alterando el sistema de preposiciones. No debe escribirse
nunca: «Podemos afirmarlo en base a los datos de que disponemos», sino
según los datos» (o «basándonos en los datos...»).

Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española, Manuel Seco

En base a, locución prepositiva, 'ba-
sándose en': «En base a estos hechos, la acu-
sación pública .. estimó que aquellos eran
constitutivos de un delito de parricidio» (Ya,
25.10.1962, 13). Aunque es usual en el len-
guaje forense, del cual ha pasado a otros ám-
bitos (ejemplo: «La diferenciación de juegos
y juguetes en base al sexo», B. Carrasco,
País, 10.5.1978, 28), lo normal es decir so-
bre la base de o basándose en.

Hablar y escribir correctamente, Tomo 2, Leonardo Gómez Torrego
En base a
Esta es otra locución, posiblemente un italianismo (in base
a), de la que se abusa y que, además, no está bien formada. En
su lugar, deberían emplearse construcciones como basándo-
nos (basándose) en, sobre la base de, en relación con, por, etc. Ha pasa-
do del ámbito jurídico a la lengua estándar semiculta o pseu-

[Edited at 2010-08-28 18:46 GMT]

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Spanish
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Gracias Narcis Aug 28, 2010

Gracias Narcis por tus indicaciones

La verdad es que llevo años usando esa frase y oyendola, de verdad creaia que era correcta, queda claro que no lo es, aunque por lo que se ve se usa mucho.

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
German to Spanish
+ ...
Bad reviewer messes up my translation Aug 28, 2010

Alex Lago wrote:

Gracias Narcis por tus indicaciones

La verdad es que llevo años usando esa frase y oyendola, de verdad creaia que era correcta, queda claro que no lo es, aunque por lo que se ve se usa mucho.

Lo cierto es que si nos regimos por los usos y costumbres, la locución "en base a" está mucho más difundida que "sobre la base de", pero, desde un punto de vista meramente académico su uso es ciertamente incorrecto.

[Edited at 2010-08-28 19:43 GMT]

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Spanish
+ ...
Me surge entonces una duda Aug 28, 2010

En base al comentario de Pablo

Lo cierto es que si nos regimos por los usos y costumbres, la locución "en base a" está mucho más difundida que "sobre la base de"

me surge la duda podemos decir que algo no existe si la gente lo usa y entience, ¿qué prima la pureza del idioma o el uso y costumbre? en un mundo ideal serían iguales, pero entiendo que la gramática y sintaxis se supeditan en parte a los usos y costumbres de los hablantes del idioma ya que por mucho que quieran los académicos el idioma al fin y al cabo es lo que la gente habla/escribe y ¿si muchos hablantes entienden algo y lo usan podemos decir que es incorrecto?, no sé.

Me considero culto, creo conocer mi idioma pero he de admitir que usaba esta frase habitualmente, ¿significa eso que hablo mal? puede que sí, está claro que no lo hablo tan bien como creía.

Narcis, quiero agradecerte tus comentarios tan detallados, me voy a comprar algunos de los libros que mencionas porque seguro que hay otras cosas que hago creyendo que están bien y resulta que están mal. ¿Me podrias decir cuales son los dos mejores?

[Edited at 2010-08-28 20:10 GMT]

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
English to Thai
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May last job experience Aug 29, 2010

In my last job, the reviewer edited my translation with neither knowing the general contexts nor did sufficient research. The contents of document were about agricultural chemical but the source texts were read as if a business plan. May words were revised wrongly e.g. season (of business, of crop), environment (of marketing, of plantation).

The reviewer without sufficient research can worsen your job!

Soonthon Lupkitaro

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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That is the question... Aug 29, 2010

(I write in English as this is an English forum area.)

About the use of "en base a".

Indeed this is exactly at the core of our work: Use of common expressions or use of correct expressions? People's language is shaped by what they get to read or listen. It is only natural. Since a vast majority of the Spanish population listens to the radio or TV probably more than their literate friends, and read newspapers much more than good literature, it is quite clear that their l
... See more
(I write in English as this is an English forum area.)

About the use of "en base a".

Indeed this is exactly at the core of our work: Use of common expressions or use of correct expressions? People's language is shaped by what they get to read or listen. It is only natural. Since a vast majority of the Spanish population listens to the radio or TV probably more than their literate friends, and read newspapers much more than good literature, it is quite clear that their language is more prone to be reshaped by incorrect language.

In our role as translators, we must try to write correctly and do our utmost effort to research, clean the garbage, and unveil possible misuses of the language. The use of "en base a" has been debated for quite some time, and the presence of an article in the Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas is good proof of it.

[Edited at 2010-08-29 07:53 GMT]

Narcis Lozano Drago
Narcis Lozano Drago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
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Recommended reference works Aug 29, 2010

Alex Lago wrote:

Narcis, quiero agradecerte tus comentarios tan detallados, me voy a comprar algunos de los libros que mencionas porque seguro que hay otras cosas que hago creyendo que están bien y resulta que están mal. ¿Me podrias decir cuales son los dos mejores?

Probably the most essential would be the "Diccionario panhispánico de dudas." You can access it online (, which is great for everyday use, although it is better to have also the paper edition to read it serially.

"Hablar y escribir correctamente" by Leonardo Gómez Torrego, (two volumes) is excellent and up-to-date. This one is formatted as a textbook, rather than a dictionary, so it is better structured and easier to study, and sheds some light on some issues where the DPD is a bit obscure or ambiguous. If you would ask just for two references, that would be my choice.

"Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española" by Manuel Seco, is also very good, but sometimes is a bit lacking in explanations when compared with the DPD.

If you prefer something more "light" and that you can actually enjoy reading, you should try "Escafurcios y palabros: Diccionario de abuso de la lengua castellana" by Mariano de la Banda (illustrated by Forges), "Diccionario de atentados contra el idioma español" by Juan Aroca Sanz, and "El dardo en la palabra" and "El nuevo dardo en la palabra" by Fernando Lázaro Carreter. Be careful: These ones are not really up-to-date (especially Aroca Sanz's), and the RAE indeed no longer regards some of the issues mentioned as mistakes.

I could go on and on ("Nueva gramática de la lengua española," Sousa's works, "Manual del español urgente," etc.), but the ones above should be enough for starters.

Kind regards

Narcís Lozano

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Spanish
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other changes Aug 29, 2010

OK it turned out that en base a was incorrect however I did also mention the recepcion change, I can't see anything wrong with my option, what about that one, was I also doing something wrong there?

Thanks Narcis for the info on the books

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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My 2 cents Aug 29, 2010

Alex Lago wrote:
They've eliminated my translation of "and shall be effective upon receipt", which was "y tendrá efecto desde su recepción" for the choice of "y tendrá efecto en el momento de su recepción".

Well, the addition of "el momento" indeed gets rid of any ambiguity and I like it better. Having said that, I don't think "desde su recepción" would be a mistake.

I would also like to see the full sentence in this case if possible, since I somehow suspect that "tendrá vigencia" could be better. Can we see the full sentence please?

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Bad reviewer messes up my translation

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