A cosa stanno lavorando i traduttori

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A quale progetto di traduzione stai lavorando in questo momento?

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

For over a year now, I've been working steadily on medical reports as part of a very large, ongoing project. It's demanding and intense, with quite tight deadlines considering the size of the files but it's also rewarding.

Medical reports, surgical reports, nursing, cardiology, gynecology


1 userI Do That

  • Da Tedesco a Inglese
  • Medical: Health Care
  • Trados Studio
Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Working on a large scale project, comprising five (1k+page) medical textbooks for a major German medical publisher. Very specialized neurological terminology so far. 20k+ word batches


I Do That

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Getting more and more pharmaceutical work lately, SPCs etc. This is great as it's a good fit with my experience and background

Summary of Product Characteristics


I Do That

  • Da Tedesco a Inglese
  • Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished my first job referencing COVID19! An article about the challenges facing Silicon Valley.

Start-up, Bailout, Lay-off


I Do That

1 user

  • Da Tedesco a Inglese
  • 1600 parole
  • tec, Business/Commerce (general), Finance (general)
Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Now working on a very big glossy coffee table travel book, full of sun, sand and South-sea islands, details of exotic animals and sports

Traumurlaub, Biosphärenreservat, romantisch, stimmungsvoll, Ferienanlage


I Do That

1 user

  • Da Tedesco a Inglese
  • 94000 parole
  • Tourism & Travel, Marketing / Market Research, Sports / Fitness / Recreation
  • MemSource Cloud
Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I've been working on a large (38k) DE>EN translation of an MOE, Maintenance Organisation Exposition, which is a very detailed manual for an aircraft (sp. helicopter) maintenance operation. The terminology is quite complex and took some time to master!


I Do That

  • Da Tedesco a Inglese
  • Aerospace / Aviation / Space
  • MemSource Cloud
Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Translating a scientific paper from 1955. Some of the terminology is quite antiquated which is challenging


I Do That

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Lately I have been getting more medical translations, particularly pathologists reports involving immunohistochemical and molecular biological results and similar - these are exactly the fields I worked in as a researcher when I worked in Germany!


I Do That

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished translating a children's story in rhyming couplets! 46 verses!


I Do That

2 users

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

A complex haute cuisine recipe brochure, about 25k words. It's interesting getting the tone right!


I Do That

1 user

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Aside from all the GDPR documents that everyone is getting, I've recently finished working on an approx. 30k sociological paper which was a fascinating challenge.


I Do That

1 user

Teresa Finn che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Recently I've been getting more and more medical related work, which is great.


I Do That