What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

May: numerous press releases and architects' reports about various projects, most of them in Italy


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

April 2024: a long academic paper on architectural theory; an art history paper on Italian gardens; a long technical report on energy upgrades to the Italian residential building stock; a very confidential business letter about termination of a contract; various architects' reports about different projects.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

March 2024: Technical specification of a particular type of food packaging; product descriptions of designer light fittings; various project descriptions written by an architect; a very long report on the energy retrofit of Italy's residential buildings stock.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

February: technical descriptions of designer light fittings; an architect's report on an upgrade to a school building; a very large analytical report on incentivisations for energy upgrades to residential buildings in Italy


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

January: various small jobs + a very large set of documents comprised a Bill of Quantities and associated Excel files for a large restaurant on Lake Garda


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

December 2023: various technical descriptions of light fittings; the text of a long interview with a famous Italian architect; the Bill of Quantities for the electrical systems of a new restaurant.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

November: a very long, badly written Bill of Quantities for the electrical system of a building refurnishment. PLUS various technical info sheets detailing the specifications for various light fittings.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

October: a very long scholarly essay, for a private client, on the architecture of the 1930s in the Italian colonies. This has taken all month and isn't finished yet. For publication as a book (the Author hopes)


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

September was busy: reports on architecture and construction projects, plus a manual for an industrial machine


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

August is always a very quiet month because Italians take a long break, but I've been busy translating the Introduction to a book about historic architecture in China.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update July 2023: a series of articles for publication in an upmarket interiors magazine; 3 technical reports on the construction / refurbishment of large distribution warehouses


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

June 2023: architects' reports; magazine articles


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

May 2023: more architects' reports about their projects; a series of articles for a design magazine; a very challenging academic paper on traditional Chinese architecture of a particular kind


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

April 2023: a more or less continuous flow of architects' project reports; descriptions of lighting fittings; various articles for an upmarket design & interiors magazine; and a very large technical manual for an industrial water purification machine


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update 31.03.2023: another month of translating architects' reports about their projects - from large urban developments to the design of light fittings for internal and external use. Additionally, a long academic paper on the philosophy and ethics of architectural restoration.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update 28.02.2023: a massive academic paper about philosophy and landscape. Dancing-on-the-head-of-a-pin stuff. Every paragraph took an hour or more. Apart from that, just a few short magazine articles and an architect's technical report about a new building.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update 31 Jan 2023: internal corporate communications (confidential) for a major fashion brand; manufacturer's descriptions of lighting fittings by important Italian designers; technical documentation about the components supplied by an Italian steel and metalworking company for high-rise buildings in New York City; architects' project reports; etc.


1 userI Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

December 2022 monthly update: reports about various projects by a well-known architectural practice based in Milan. Translations of legal documents involving property/real estate. Various articles for an upmarket architecture and design magazine. Etc.


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replied from ProZ.com at 19:31 Jan 9, 2023:

Bravo, buon lavoro!!!

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update: architect's reports on a forthcoming development in the Balkans, on sustainable design principles. Interesting stuff. Other documents on lighting fixtures, interiors, etc.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update: more technical descriptions of light fittings; architectural reports, specifications, etc.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Update: technical description of lighting design for an Italian design manufacturer; a detailed academic paper describing the architectural criteria for a project to recover a historic fortress and bring it back into re-use for the public good; a "fantasy" project by a Sicilian architect for the protection, from future wars, of the artistic assets of the world's great museums; a large quantity of Excel spreadsheets describing the technical components of a range of construction materials.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Ongoing translations of various kinds: academic papers, architects' reports about their projects, technical spreadsheets about construction products, etc. etc.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Over the past month or so: a continuous stream (including at weekends) of official press releases for a government department; a large Bill of Quantities for the refurbishment of an early XX century villa and grounds


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Power of Attorney for a member of the Board of a large international company


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A constant avalanche of press releases for an official body


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Multiple legal and commercial documents for the launch of a new international Italian company


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Recent work includes, inter alia, translating a large amount of very technically challenging and not well-written text for the website of an architectural firm


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

In the past month: lots of press releases for government bodies; a series of magazine articles about sailing ships; and a very large, very challenging technical brochure describing all the design and construction processes for a very large industrial complex


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A series of articles for an architecture magazine


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

The latest in a series of instruction booklets for constructing a scale model of a famous sailing ship.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A very long Bill of Quantities for the refurbishment of a luxury villa and gardens on the Côte d'Azur. Work to be carried out by an Italian contractor


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

In the past few weeks: official government documents; more Bills of Quantities; technical details of printing machines; distribution contracts for magazines and newspapers; instructions for assembling a model ship; etc.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

An architect's report describing a very large infrastructure project in southern Italy


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

The military record of a deceased Italian gentleman (demobilised 1920)


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A very large collection of technical documents for an Italian manufacturer of special products for anti-seismic strengthening of buildings.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

In the past few weeks: a PR document recounting the history of an industrial firm; a Bill of Quantities for alteration works to a 19th century villa; a press release about a new range of designer tapware; etc. etc.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

In the past week or so: assembly instructions for a model sailing ship; a PPT file for an advertising company; the history of a company that sells petroleum products; etc.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A large PowerPoint presentation by a media company illustrating their concept for a Covid-19-related Christmas Holidays smartphone application intended for children of up to 12 years old.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Introduction, blurb, essays, and illustration captions for a book about industrial architecture in Emilia-Romagna


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A bill of quantities for an air conditioning system and associated building work


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

An academic paper on Covid-19: the responses of architects and city planners


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

An academic paper about globalisation and education


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Ongoing work translating the instructions for assembling model cars, boats, etc. Fun!


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

In the past few days: tender documents for an international aid organisation; a series of articles for an upmarket interiors and design magazine; a legal document setting out the General Conditions of Sale for franchisees of the products of a company; and the Bill of Quantities for the construction of a luxury swimming pool


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Lots of small projects (construction, architecture, architectural history & theory, interior design, etc.), too numerous to describe one by one.


I Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

Various small projects (Bills of Quantities, press releases etc.) and one large project; an academic book on literary culture in 16th. century Italy


1 userI Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A scholarly essay on the idea of Eden in landscape architecture.


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A series of scholarly articles for a magazine of architectural theory


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Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A brochure for a large engineering company, describing its sustainability policies


1 userI Do That

Tom in London posting from ProZ.com shared:

A series of articles for an upmarket architecture/design/interiors magazine


1 userI Do That