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Visual Basic Macro: Can someone debug it?
دھاگا پوسٹ کرنے والے: Patricia Rosas
Patricia Rosas
Patricia Rosas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:35
+ ...
میموریم میں
now the debugger doesn't like: Jul 31, 2009

speech.Speak vbNullString, SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak

Should I take out the ' on the previous line?

Would you be willing to cut and copy your module here? Or are you certain it is identical to mine?

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:35
رکن (2004)
My module Jul 31, 2009

Yes, the commented line should be green, I do not know why yours is not... Are you sure it is a simple (straight) apostrophe?

Here's my module, I'm pretty sure it is the same as yours:


Dim speech As SpVoice 'Don't overlook this line!

Sub SpeakText()
'Based on a macro by Mathew Heikkila
&#... See more
Yes, the commented line should be green, I do not know why yours is not... Are you sure it is a simple (straight) apostrophe?

Here's my module, I'm pretty sure it is the same as yours:


Dim speech As SpVoice 'Don't overlook this line!

Sub SpeakText()
'Based on a macro by Mathew Heikkila
On Error Resume Next
Set speech = New SpVoice
If Len(Selection.Text) > 1 Then 'speak selection
speech.Speak Selection.Text, _
SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
Else 'speak whole document
speech.Speak ActiveDocument.Range(0, ActiveDocument.Characters.Count).Text, _
SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
End If
Loop Until speech.WaitUntilDone(10)
Set speech = Nothing
End Sub

Sub StopSpeaking()
'Based on a macro by Mathew Heikkila
'used to interrupt any running speech to text
'On Error Resume Next
speech.Speak vbNullString, SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
Set speech = Nothing
End Sub

What you mean exactly by „doesn't like”? It stops on that line when you try to stop the speech?

Pause/Break should be one of three keys grouped together above Insert/Home etc., together with PrScrn and ScrollLock. It is not present on every keyboard, especially laptops...

Patricia Rosas
Patricia Rosas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:35
+ ...
میموریم میں
so strange Jul 31, 2009

Jabberwock wrote:

Yes, the commented line should be green, I do not know why yours is not... Are you sure it is a simple (straight) apostrophe?

It was green after I saved it, but I didn't notice.

I used the organizer to erase the earlier module and then created a new one into which I pasted your code. When I first ran it, it said there was a compiler error and these lines are now RED:

speech.Speak Selection.Text, _


speech.Speak ActiveDocument.Range(0, ActiveDocument.Characters.Count).Text, _

Next, I put the cursor at the first line (Dim) and it jumps to the last end sub and says
"Only comments can appear after end sub, end function, or end property."

I am on a terrible deadline, but after Monday, I'll study up on how to use VB and then I'll come back and let you know if I've had any luck.

Thanks for your persistence and patience!

Daniel Grau
Daniel Grau  Identity Verified
رکن (2008)
It seems two constants are not being defined Jul 31, 2009

The code sample I mentioned before defines two additional constants at the top of the subroutines (the "Declaration" section). If you don't define SVSFlagsAsync and SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak as constants, they are considered to be variables with an initial value of zero/null, so the values passed to the "speech" command are zero.

Try this:

Dim speech as SpVoice 'Don't overlook this line!
Const SVSFlagsAsync = 1
Const SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak = 2

... See more
The code sample I mentioned before defines two additional constants at the top of the subroutines (the "Declaration" section). If you don't define SVSFlagsAsync and SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak as constants, they are considered to be variables with an initial value of zero/null, so the values passed to the "speech" command are zero.

Try this:

Dim speech as SpVoice 'Don't overlook this line!
Const SVSFlagsAsync = 1
Const SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak = 2

Sub SpeakText()
'Based on a macro by Mathew Heikkila
On Error Resume Next
Set speech = New SpVoice
If Len(Selection.Text) > 1 Then 'speak selection
speech.Speak Selection.Text, _
SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
Else 'speak whole document
speech.Speak ActiveDocument.Range(0, ActiveDocument.Characters.Count).Text, _
SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
End If
Loop Until speech.WaitUntilDone(10)
Set speech = Nothing
End Sub

Sub StopSpeaking()
'Based on a macro by Mathew Heikkila
'used to interrupt any running speech to text
On Error Resume Next
speech.Speak vbNullString, SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
Set speech = Nothing
End Sub

The errors you were getting for the two lines ending in "_" are probably due to their being followed by a blank line, as "_" is the "line continuation" character. Thus, the truncated line has a blank continuation and generates an error. Make sure the only blank lines above are those preceding the "Sub" statements.


Patricia Rosas
Patricia Rosas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:35
+ ...
میموریم میں
Thanks, but it still doesn't work ... Jul 31, 2009


I appreciate your help, but I cut and pasted your code in and still won't stop speaking. I must be doing something stupid. The speaking routine works perfectly. I'll try to figure this out once my Monday deadline is behind me.

But any further suggestions from anyone will be greatly appreciated!


Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 10:35
رکن (2004)
+ ...
the two constants ... Aug 1, 2009

Daniel Grau wrote:

The code sample I mentioned before defines two additional constants at the top of the subroutines (the "Declaration" section). If you don't define SVSFlagsAsync and SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak as constants ...

are defined in the sapilib.dll dcom library, so including sapi defines them anyhow (*)

So ... what happens in StopSpeaking, if On Error Resume Next is commented out - like this

' On Error Resume Next




*: a line at the top, stating Option explicit would detect the "undefined" status by itself.

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Visual Basic Macro: Can someone debug it?

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