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Training topic: SDL Trados Training & Certification

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Laura Luca de Tena
Laura Luca de Tena  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:42
رکن (2010)
+ ...
Curso de SDL en español Feb 6, 2012

It would be worthy that you could offer this training course also in Spanish

tania nogueira
tania nogueira  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:42
+ ...
Upgrading from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio™ 2011 Mar 8, 2012

Hello Staff,
I seem to have the same problem there was in the past. The hours are just too difficult to attend.
I need the "Upgrading from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio™ 2011", but the hours are not really friendly!
Is there any chances there'll be a course a little later than 16pm GMT time?
If the current course to be held on March 20th could start 2h later, it would be awesome and I could take part in it, otherwise I don't know when/what to do.
Any advices?... See more
Hello Staff,
I seem to have the same problem there was in the past. The hours are just too difficult to attend.
I need the "Upgrading from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio™ 2011", but the hours are not really friendly!
Is there any chances there'll be a course a little later than 16pm GMT time?
If the current course to be held on March 20th could start 2h later, it would be awesome and I could take part in it, otherwise I don't know when/what to do.
Any advices?
PS: One more question, is the certification included in the price? It wasn't really clear in the details of the course.

Aleksandra Mazur-Bryla
Aleksandra Mazur-Bryla  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:42
رکن (2011)
sdl trados studio getting started training Jun 29, 2012

Is it possible to add some morning or afternoon sessions of the above training for 12, 13, 19 or 20 July. I would really want to take the training and these are the only dates and times I'm free. Thank you.

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
سائٹ اسٹاف
sdl trados studio getting started training Jun 29, 2012

Aleksandra Mazur-Bryla wrote:

Is it possible to add some morning or afternoon sessions of the above training for 12, 13, 19 or 20 July. I would really want to take the training and these are the only dates and times I'm free. Thank you.

Hello Aleksandra,

Thank you for your interest in training. There is a session on SDL Trados Studio Getting Started on July 19, . Feel free to register for the session. Also, more courses will be available in August as SDL Trados sessions are offered on a monthly basis.

Please submit a support request, , if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

My bests,

Louise Péron
Louise Péron  Identity Verified
SDL trados studio getting started training in October Aug 29, 2012


I bought a SDL Trados training credit at a discounted price today and I would like to redeem it for a SDL Trados Studio "Getting Started" training. However I cannot take 3 hours for training in August or September.

Will there be more training courses in the first week October? And will my training credit still be valid?


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
سائٹ اسٹاف
The credit will still be valid Aug 30, 2012

Louise Péron wrote:


I bought a SDL Trados training credit at a discounted price today and I would like to redeem it for a SDL Trados Studio "Getting Started" training. However I cannot take 3 hours for training in August or September.

Will there be more training courses in the first week October? And will my training credit still be valid?


Hello Louise,

SDL Trados sessions are conducted on a monthly basis and new webinars for October will be announced soon. The training credit you have does not have an expiration date, , and it can be redeemed later when new sessions are announced.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Suzanne Deveson
Suzanne Deveson  Identity Verified
نیدر لینڈ
Local time: 09:42
رکن (2007)
+ ...
Upgrading from Trados 2007 Oct 3, 2012


I don't see any Upgrading from Trados 2007 trainings. Are there any scheduled or to be scheduled?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


Sasha Spence (X)
Sasha Spence (X)
Local time: 02:42
+ ...
Intermediate/Advanced webinars for Trados 2011 Oct 9, 2012

Is it possible to schedule Intermediate / Advanced webinars for Trados 2011 after October 19th? I have looked at the schedule in November and December and it looks like there is nothing available after October 10th. I would like to take both Intermediate and Advanced but I can't make the ones currently scheduled in October.

Thank you in advance.

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
سائٹ اسٹاف
Intermediate/Advanced webinars for Trados 2011 Oct 9, 2012

Sasha Spencer wrote:

Is it possible to schedule Intermediate / Advanced webinars for Trados 2011 after October 19th? I have looked at the schedule in November and December and it looks like there is nothing available after October 10th. I would like to take both Intermediate and Advanced but I can't make the ones currently scheduled in October.

Thank you in advance.

Dear Sasha,

Thank you for your interest in the training. Please note that more SDL Trados webinars will be announced soon as these webinars are conducted on monthly basis. Thanks for your patience and stay tuned!

My bests,

Francesco Lattarulo
Francesco Lattarulo  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:42
+ ...
"Sdl Trados Studio 2011 - Getting started" training in Italian or French Nov 1, 2012


I've just received an email allowing me to redeem my credit for a training session (purchased through SDL). Though, it seems there is no scheduled "Sdl Trados Studio 2011 - Getting started" training in Italian nor in French for the moment. Would it be possible to schedule one in the following weeks? Hoping I'll have time to redeem my credit before it expires.

Thank you in advance

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
سائٹ اسٹاف
Training credits do not have expirations dates. Nov 2, 2012

Francesco Lattarulo wrote:


I've just received an email allowing me to redeem my credit for a training session (purchased through SDL). Though, it seems there is no scheduled "Sdl Trados Studio 2011 - Getting started" training in Italian nor in French for the moment. Would it be possible to schedule one in the following weeks? Hoping I'll have time to redeem my credit before it expires.

Thank you in advance

Hello Francesco,

Thank you for your interest in training.

Training credits do not have expiration dates, . SDL Trados sessions are conducted on a monthly basis and some more sessions have been announced for December and January:

You might wish to attend a session in French to be conducted in December:

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Cornelia Buttmann-Scholl
Cornelia Buttmann-Scholl  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:42
+ ...
SDL Trados Studio 2011 Advanced in French? Nov 15, 2012

I would like to know if you plan to schedule a SDL Trados Studio 2011 Advanced training in French sometime? This would be great! Thanks in advance and all the best,

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
سائٹ اسٹاف
SDL Trados Studio 2011 Advanced in French? Nov 15, 2012

Cornelia Buttmann-Scholl wrote:

I would like to know if you plan to schedule a SDL Trados Studio 2011 Advanced training in French sometime? This would be great! Thanks in advance and all the best,

Hello Cornelia,

Thank you for your suggestion. More sessions will be announced for 2013 and a session on SDL Trados Studio 2011 Advanced training in French will be offered too.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Cornelia Buttmann-Scholl
Cornelia Buttmann-Scholl  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:42
+ ...
SDL Trados Studio 2011 Advanced in French? Nov 27, 2012

Hi Helen,

thanks for your answer. I am looking forward to 2013 then!

All the best,


Pauline Carru-Lieven
Pauline Carru-Lieven
Local time: 09:42
+ ...
New session for Trados getting started in French in dec 2012 / jan 2013 Dec 12, 2012

Hi there,

Long ago, I had registered for the French session of December, 14th, and about 10 days ago, I was about to pay for it but it was full...
My mistake...
But well, now I would like to attend this training as soon as it is rescheduled...

So here comes my request: would ProZ teams be able to add a French session for "Getting started"?

December or January would be perfect!

... See more
Hi there,

Long ago, I had registered for the French session of December, 14th, and about 10 days ago, I was about to pay for it but it was full...
My mistake...
But well, now I would like to attend this training as soon as it is rescheduled...

So here comes my request: would ProZ teams be able to add a French session for "Getting started"?

December or January would be perfect!

Thanks in advance for your consideration,

Pauline Carru-Lieven

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Training topic: SDL Trados Training & Certification

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