Hidden ways to promote your website


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Hidden ways to promote your website

By Natalya Zelikova | Published  09/27/2004 | Software and the Internet | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecI
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Natalya Zelikova
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Hidden ways to promote your website
I don’t want to mention here such well-known and compulsory promotion methods for any business website as registering with various search engines and directories. Instead I’d like to share some hidden or often disregarded as not so effective or simply forgotten ways of promotion, which I found while looking for ways to promote my own website. Some of them may not be perfect for your particular website, and some requires extra time, I personally often do not have myself, but I believe all of them worth mentioning.

1. Site content

Preparing appropriate website content is directly related to your website ranking in search engines. The titles of your web pages are the most important in terms of keywords’ analysis. Search engines consider the words of titles to be more relevant than others. Assuming that the most relevant words should appear at the top of each page search engines will also check which words are repeatedly appearing in the beginning of each your page's text.
Note: some search engines consider using the same words in a very small type; too often or in the same color as the page itself to be a spamming and may reject the page.

2. Reciprocal linking

There are two ways of reciprocal linking:
- finding websites that allow posting your link in website’s directory in exchange to posting their link, button or banner on your website
- encouraging other website owners to post a link to your website in exchange to their link on your website. Allow to post their banners and buttons in exchange to equivalent graphics promoting your website.
The question of business competition in this case can be solved in different ways.

3. Newsletter

It is exactly that way of promotion which requires extra time for gathering content, writing articles, etc. But if you decide that you agree to do all this to promote your services it will surely be effective. While browsing websites I sometimes find that newsletters’ content, name and therefore the target audience were chosen incorrectly. For example, translator looking to attract new clients or promote his services to potential some-day-to-be-clients should bring more client oriented content to their newsletters, unless he just wants to share some translation tips, techniques, etc. with colleagues. Though some portion of information on free translation sites, software, etc. can also be useful.

4. Articles

The same articles you use for your newsletter can also be submitted to many free and paying online and offline professional and general interest sources and publications. If you are really an expert in your field and can produce really valuable and interesting articles, such a wide exposure of your services to potential clients can be very beneficial to your business.

Resources to check:

5. Weblog

A Blog is a webpage where bloggers post relatively short frequently updated messages of whatever nature and type they choose: these can be news, thoughts, ideas, some sort of communication between friends or colleagues, photos and images, etc. You may use it in a way you use your newsletter, but in blogs other people can post their comments to your messages or even contribute to your blog their own news and ideas. This type of community works for you the same way any publicity and discussion around your work, services, personality, etc. work. People can also subscribe to any updates in your weblog.

Resources to check:

6. Your signature

Don’t forget to use your business signature wherever it is useful and appropriate. For example it looks strange to me when someone signs his posting on a parenting forum with a business website. But there are plenty of forums and communities where such advertising is more than acceptable. You may join some professional community of your interest or of your specialization area, where your signature and link to your website will give other members some information about your background and experience at the same time helping you to find clients among them.

7. Provide testimonials

When visiting a site I myself sometimes click on a testimonial provider's link to check what company this person or firm has worked for. Or I just click for the same reason we often click on a link: just because something in the text appeals to me, name or phrase or something looks interesting.
While browsing sites you can find some useful information, directories of relevant resources or simply appreciate some valuable advice, site design, articles or usability, etc. If there is anything relevant to your activity that you can praise try to approach the site owner offering him to place your testimonial with a link to your website. If you are not competitors in any of the business areas there is practically no reason that would stop him from accepting your offer.
Apart from that a link can bring visitors to your site, it is also useful for search engines ranking based on link popularity.

I tried to share with you those types of website promotion, which I myself found to be useful. Since I am interested in this topic I would appreciate your comments and suggestions sent to [email protected]

Natalya Zelikova

[email protected]

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